eDay Next Gen

How to launch & scale your digital business (easy) from home

14:10 30 minutes presentation Grote Zaal
Kasper Brandi Petersen LABFRESH

It has never been easier to become an entrepreneur. All you need is wifi and grit. 

With The Cloakroom we went from apartment to €1m seed round in 8 months. With LABFRESH we shot a Kickstarter video in our apartment and hit €2m revenue before we took any real investments.

When starting businesses I use a formula revolving around empirical market research, rapid experimentation, unique product features, and personalised communication to gain fast traction without a big funding need.

Kasper Brandi Petersen

Kasper Brandi Petersen


Kasper has been an ecommerce fanatic since founding The Cloakroom in 2013, which raised €3m and grew into the biggest online shopping service for men in Denmark and The Netherlands. 

In 2017 Kasper created a stain & odour repellent shirt fabric together with his fiancee. Via crowdfunding and aggressive online marketing LABFRESH has sold 40,000+ shirts and t-shirts in 98 countries.

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