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Easy Microservices with Kubernetes & Istio

30 minutes presentation
Sendil Kumar N Uber

Using microservices is a powerful way to build a scalable and agile back end, but managing these services is a nightmare. Once they are developed, the whole process—building, deploying, service discovery, load-balancing, routing, tracing, auth, graceful failures, rate limits, and more—is cumbersome and involves many moving parts. This session shows you how the Kubernetes container management system and the Istio service mesh can simplify many of the operational challenges of microservices, and it includes an in-depth live demo showcasing how easy it is to create and develop microservices with JHipster and deploying them into a Kubernetes cluster with the Istio service mesh.

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Sendil Kumar N

Sendil Kumar N


Sendil is an explorer wandering in the land of programs. He is passionate about Open Source and contributes to many projects in his free time. During the day he build products that help customers and developers to have a better and enhanced experience. The motto of his life is “Docendo discimus”.