
How machine learning can help you choose the best wine

13:40 30 minutes presentation IJzaal
Ronan Lundy QuantcastSermetcan Baysal Quantcast

This session will show by using quality data and behavioural insights overlaid with the use of artificial intelligence how this can help you build your brand for digital natives. You will gain a greater understanding of the programmatic advertising space, how Machine Learning is playing such a huge part in shaping your industry and what is already being done for digital marketers today to understand and reach their audiences.

We want you to leave feeling inspired with a fresh way of thinking about your marketing efforts. And if you want to find out what wine and AI really do have in common, you will just have to attend to find out.

Ronan Lundy

Ronan Lundy


Ronan Lundy has worked at Quantcast for over 5 years, leading various teams with a focus on our client direct relationships. Based out of Dublin, in his role as Head of Corporate Sales for Central Europe, Ronan is helping both advertisers and agencies across BNLX, Spain, France and DACH, get the most out of their digital advertising, navigate the ever complex world of programmatic advertising, and delivering insights that can drive their business forward. Ronan has worked in both the online & offline advertising industry for more than ten years playing keyroles at Linkedin & Telefonica Ireland. He brings full technical understanding of digital marketing and real time media, combined with a focus on explaining its complexities in everyday language.

Sermetcan Baysal

Sermetcan Baysal


Sermetcan has a PhD in computer vision and machine learning. He has co-founded two start-ups: a sports analytics company that tracks the movement of football players with cameras to extract real-time statistics, analysis and provide insights; and an artificial intelligence company that offers image recognition and product recommendation-by-similarity solutions for e-commerce platforms. He joined Quantcast two years ago and has been working on machine learning models to help marketers discover and reach target audiences.

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