Update AI

AI Driven Business Models

10:05 30 minutes presentation The Kari
Stefan van Duin DeloitteNaser Bakhshi Deloitte

Veel bedrijven zijn begonnen het potentieel van AI voor hun toekomstige bedrijfsactiviteiten te verkennen. Toch zijn tot nu toe maar weinig bedrijven er echt in geslaagd de waarde in real-life bedrijfstoepassingen te verwezenlijken. Wat zijn de barrières om AI oplossingen te schalen en waarde te creëren?  Waar te beginnen en wat moet er gebeuren om te slagen?  Dit zijn type vragen die centraal staan in de presentatie over AI gedreven business modellen.

Stefan van Duin

Stefan van Duin


Stefan is expert in the area of Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Stefan is convinced that more and more companies count data analytics to their core competencies; to develop better products or services, new business models and personalized customer experiences. He made it his mission to help these companies on their journey. His main focus is on organizations that operate in Consumer Products or Retail sector.

Naser Bakhshi

Naser Bakhshi


Naser is Director Artificial Intelligence and has expertise in AI. In the world of ever-growing data and continues new technological advances, Naser aims to bring the best, the newest and most innovative analytics and AI solutions and unlock actionable insights for a fact-based decision making. By combining enabling technologies such as Machine Learning, Cognitive Analytics and intelligent self-learning systems Naser supports organizations in developing and embedding AI driven solutions